
Give direction to your AI Transformation Journey

Full-Service AI Solutions

Your one stop shop for your AI solutions needs.

AI transformation Full-Service Provider

Advance Alliance

Convinced that AI will change your future? Advance Alliance specializes in helping enterprises make the leap forward through AI.


Our models are designed to augment and elevate the global workforce, so businesses can thrive and stay competitive in the AI era.

Customized Solutions

Every enterprise is unique and different AI solutions can be stacked to create more synergies.


Advance Alliance is the partner which analyses internal and external opportunities and help to implement these changes as a strategic partner.

Continuously in Beta

Optimizing processes, increasing sales opportunities and many other enterprise targets require the latest AI models to stay ahead of the curve.

A holistic approach

Adopt AI at scale.

Our comprehensive 7 Pillars of Successful AI Transformation framework involving various disciplines is crucial for large-scale AI adoption.

  • AI Trends: Keep up to speed with AI developments.
  • AI Strategy: Have a strategy alligned with your business goals.
  • Organization: Make sure the organization is ready to adopt AI at scale.
  • People: Cultural fit and leadership support are key for AI adoption.
  • Data: Quality and Security of key datasets.
  • Controls: ROI and Metrics to measure and validate AI-improved process performance.
  • Responsible AI: Ethics and compliance.
Fitting your unique needs

AI Product-market solutions.

Advance Alliance guides your organization at each phase of the AI journey, from initial understanding of the capabilities and implications of AI to customized applications and strategic advice.

AI Readiness Assessment

Understand the capabilities of articifial intelligence and its implications for your sector and organization.

AI Accelerator Session

Understand your business capabilities and implications of AI with a 3-hour primer session designed for executives and senior leaders.

AI Opportunity Scan

Identify the most effective areas for AI integration in your organization with our comprehensive and structured approach.

AI Automation Deployment

Outsource your AI automation projects for direct integration into your production environment.

AI Advisor to the Board

Add continuous AI expertise and guidance to your Board with our Virtual Chief AI Officer (vCIAO) service.

AI Application Labs

We take one process in your organization and build a working proof of concept to showcase the power of automation with AI.

A portfolio of use cases, supporting your business goals

Use Cases

Use cases where artificial intelligence plays a key role in optimization of processes and increased efficiency.


AI-Enhanced Customer Experience and Personalization

AI-Enhanced customer experience and personalization

AI-enhanced ID Verification

Biometric, facial, voice recognition

Fraud Management

Anomaly detection and actionable insights

Business Intelligence Dashboard

Continous AI-driven business and competitive intelligence dashboard

Backoffice Automation

Automation of repetitive, high-volume manual activities with genAI

Supply Chain Optimization

AI-Driven stock and logistics predictive forecasting

Sales Lead Generation

AI-empowered sales lead generation and prospect tools

AI-Enhanced Logistics and Delivery Optimization

AI-Enhanced logistics and delivery optimization
Extensive Business Experience and AI Expertise

Our Team

Advance Alliance was founded in 1991 as a European logistics, finance, sales and marketing organization. The successful business development for many clients has gained extra momentum through the combination of security, biometrical and AI solutions. Contact our team to discover your road ahead.

Ben Veldman
Rob Braun
AI Agent

Give direction
to your AI Transformation.

Reach Out now